Bulgaria: COVID-19 tax measures published in State Gazette
On 24 March 2020, emergency tax measures in relation to the spread of COVID-19 have been published in State Gazette. Below is a summary of the main tax measures:
Corporate Income Tax
The deadline for submission of Corporate Income Tax (CIT) returns for 2019 and payment of the CIT due is extended to 30 June 2020 (normally 31 March 2020).
Advance CIT installments
The rules for CIT advance installments for 2020 have been amended as follows:
1. Where the annual CIT return for 2019 is filed by 15 April 2020, the advance CIT installments for 2020 shall be made in the amount declared.
2. Where the annual CIT return for 2019 has not been filed by 15 April 2020, the advance CIT installments shall be declared by that date with the annual CIT return, with only the part relating to the declaration of advance CIT installments for 2020 completed. When, subsequently, by 30 June 2020, these persons file their CIT return for 2019, they shall not complete the part relating to the declaration of advance CIT installments for 2020.
3. Both until 15 April 2020 and after that date, adjustments (reduction or increase) of the advance CIT installments declared with the annual CIT return for 2019 shall be made with the declaration under Art. 88 of CIT Act. The adjustments of the advance payments made with the declaration under Art. 88 of CIT Act, shall be used after the filing of the declaration.
The above rules have been discussed also in a clarification of the National Revenue Agency published on 24 March 2020.
Tax on expenses
The new deadline for payments and reporting of tax on expenses is 30 June 2020 (normally 31 March 2020).
Personal Income Tax
The deadline of submission of personal income tax returns is extended until 30 June 2020 (normally 30 April) but this is applied only for individuals which are traders under the Commercial Act and for certain agricultural procedures.
Real estate tax
The deadline for payment with 5% discount of the total amount of the real estate tax for 2020 is extended until 30 June 2020.
Tax on vehicles
The deadline for payment with 5% discount of the total amount of the tax on vehicles for 2020 is extended until 30 June 2020.
Statute of limitations and enforcement proceedings
Suspension of statute of limitations, enforcement proceedings and initiation of new enforcements proceedings will be introduced for the period of state of emergency, i.e. currently until 13 April 2020.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at svetlin@krastanov.bg or +359 899 566 277.