Tax Academy
Dr. Svetlin Krastanov is an experienced lecturer who has designed and delivered numerous tax training events. Below is an overview of the tax training solutions that are offered currently by Dr. Svetlin Krastanov and his company Tax Academy Ltd.
Industry-focused tax training events
Dr. Svetlin Krastanov is designing and delivering tailored industry-focused tax training events to companies from various industries. Such events provide a great opportunity not only for training on the hot tax topics for the specific industry but also for open discussion of various tax cases of the company.
The agenda for such training events is discussed and agreed upfront and in addition to hot tax topics for the specific industry, it usually includes also detailed overview of the questions of specific interest for the client. Each of the tailored courses delivered by Dr. Svetlin Krastanov includes sufficient time for Q & A session with the client.
For client's convenience, such training events are usually delivered as live classroom sessions at the premises of the client. Upon request of the client, different arrangements are also possible.
Virtual classroom tax training events
The virtual classroom is a great opportunity to provide simultaneously a tailored tax training to client’s representatives in different locations. It is also possible a combination of live session and a virtual classroom to be arranged depending on the client’s requirements.
Online tax courses
Tax Academy Ltd. is developing tailored online tax courses that are designed according to the specific requirements of the clients. Such online tax courses are usually recorded as videos supplemented by training materials and quizzes and are uploaded on a platform to which the client receives an access. Upon request of the client, different arrangements are also possible so that the solution meets entirely the client’s needs.