COVID-19: tax measures in Bulgaria voted by parliament
Overview of the tax measures in relation to COVID-19 voted by parliament on 20 March 2020. Read the article...
Implementation of the EU VAT “Quick Fixes” in Bulgaria
International VAT Monitor, IBFD, February 2020.
The EU VAT “quick fixes” provide simplifications for EU cross-border trade in goods by introducing harmonized rules with respect to the conditions and requested evidence to obtain an exemption of intra-Community supplies, call-off stock arrangements, and successive supplies of goods (chain transactions). Bulgaria has introduced these rules in its Value Added Tax Act and they are applicable from 1 January 2020. In this article, the author provides an overview of implementation of the quick fixes in Bulgaria and highlights the differences as compared to the rules applied until the end of 2019.
The New Mandatory Transfer Pricing Documentation Requirements in Bulgaria
International Transfer Pricing Journal, IBFD, January 2020.
The VAT cash accounting scheme was introduced in Bulgaria at the beginning of 2014. In this article, the author discusses practical aspects of the implementation of this regime into the local legislation, its advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, raises the question to what extent it is popular amongst the small businesses for which it is intended.
The Bulgarian Proposal for the Introduction of Mandatory Transfer Pricing Documentation
International Transfer Pricing Journal, IBFD, February 2019.
As of 1 January 2020, Bulgaria will become the next country that will apply mandatory requirements for transfer pricing documentation. This article provides a detailed overview of the new rules and indicates the main differences with the initial proposal of the Ministry of Finance published in November 2018.
VAT cash accounting scheme - lessons from Bulgaria
International VAT Monitor, IBFD, January 2019.
The VAT cash accounting scheme was introduced in Bulgaria at the beginning of 2014. In this article, the author discusses practical aspects of the implementation of this regime into the local legislation, its advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, raises the question to what extent it is popular amongst the small businesses for which it is intended.
VAT aspects of installation projects in Bulgaria
International VAT Monitor, IBFD, May 2018.
Installation projects can consist of various transactions with different VAT implications. The consequences are more complex in an international context, e.g. when foreign suppliers and subcontractors are involved. In this article, the author analyses some of the main VAT aspects of installation projects in Bulgaria in a B2B context that need to be considered by foreign participants in such projects.
12 reasons why Bulgaria has one of the most favorable tax systems in the EU
Article dedicated to the various advantages of the Bulgarian tax system.
Taxation of NGOs in 2015
Co-author of a book issued by the Bulgarian Center for Non-Profit Law, 2015
A book dedicated to taxation of NGOs in Bulgaria in 2015.
Taxation of NGOs in 2011
Co-author of a book issued by the Bulgarian Center for Non-Profit Law, 2011
A book dedicated to taxation of NGOs in Bulgaria in 2011.
Taxation of restaurant services
Forbes Magazine (Bulgarian edition), November 2012
An article on the taxation of restaurant services in the EU.
Taxation for sustainable development of tourism
Balkan Ecology Magazine, December 2012
An article dedicated to the tax measures towards sustainable development of the tourism industry.
VAT treatment of the intermediary services in the tourism sector of the EU
Accounting XXI magazine, January 2008
An article on the new VAT rules for the tourism sector applicable as of 1 January 2012.
Actual aspects of the tax policy in the tourism sector
Economic Alternatives magazine, October 2007
An article analysing the trends in the tourism taxation.
VAT barometer in the European tourism
Bank, Investments, Money magazine, August 2007
An article presenting the results of measuring the VAT applied to tourism packages in different countries of the EU.
VAT in the tourism sector of the EU
Bank, Investments, Money magazine, May 2007
An article dedicated to VAT applied on the tourism services in the European Union.
VAT on the restaurant services in the EU
Economy magazine, May 2007
An article on VAT applied to the restaurant services in the European Union.