Bulgaria: Intrastat thresholds for 2020 announced

On 3 October 2019, the chairman of the National Statistical Institute issued an order for the Intrastat thresholds for 2020 which will be as follows:
Thresholds for Intrastat reporting:
- For dispatches - BGN 290,000 (currently BGN 280,000)
- For arrivals - BGN 470,000 (currently BGN 460,000)
Thresholds for declaring statistical value:
- for dispatches - BGN 15,800,000 (currently 14,400,000)
- for arrivals - BGN 7,600,000 (currently BGN 7,400,000)
The threshold for simplified reporting of single low-value transactions will remain as it is currently, i.e. BGN 390.
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