IT & Outsourcing
Industry Experience
During his career, Dr. Svetlin Krastanov had advised on tax matters many companies from the IT & Outsourcing industry. Below is an overview of some of his tax projects for this industry:
Advised several leading multinational IT companies on the tax aspects of their Bulgarian activities.
Advised IT companies on the EU VAT MOSS and the VAT rules for supplies of digital services.
Provided advice on VAT and Intrastat requirements several of the largest outsourcing centers in Bulgaria.
Advised IT companies on the Bulgarian and EU VAT reporting requirements.
General tax and VAT registrations as well as ongoing Bulgarian VAT compliance of several leading multinational IT companies.
Delivered several tailored-made training on EU VAT and Intrastat reporting requirements rendered to a newly established shared service center in Bulgaria.
Speaker on hot VAT topics for the IT industry at two CEO retreat events of the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASSCOM).
Advice on various tax questions regarding office purchases, repairs and improvements provided to an outsourcing company.
Review of Corporate Income Tax Return of a large shared service center for several years in a row.
Assistance with a tax audits of a large shared service center.
Dedicated Services
The tax solution offered by Dr. Krastanov for the IT & Outsoricing industry inlcude, but are not limited to the following:
Advice on the tax aspects of the activities performed by the IT and outsourcing companies.
Industry-focused tax review and optimization for IT & outsourcing companies.
Review and comments on the tax aspects of various agreements concluded by IT and outsourcing companies.
Tailor-made tax training events for IT companies.
Training on EU VAT and Intrastat reporting requirements for outsourcing companies.
Tailor-made tax newsletters for IT and outsourcing companies.